Monday, October 11, 2010

Do You Really Care?

In a much more risqué approach to advertising, BMW takes their Used Car ads to a new level. Within this particular advertisement, BWM is promising that you will not care that you are driving a used car, because this used car is a beamer.  

The first substantial evidence that can be assessed is the visual that is presented. Lying naked in a very provocative pose, a young(er) woman is giving off “bedroom” eyes at the viewer. Immediately, it is obvious that the advertisers are trying to get your full attention by using a more sexual appeal. Assuming that the advertisement is targeted more towards older men (younger men as well), the visual is a very targeted way to get attention from the viewer. Most likely, by now the viewer is completely drawn in.

The next bit of evidence that can be assessed is the text. Reading quite boldly and to the point, “You know you’re not the first. But do you really care?” this relates to both the girl and the BMW used car in one shot. By essentially comparing the two non-similar items together, the viewer can draw a conclusion, which BWM is assuming the answer to the text is “No”. In my opinion, by the looks of the ad, that is probably the most common answer.

Overall, this advertisement is very obviously targeted toward the male market, but that does not mean that women cannot find some sort of appeal to this as well. By promising the viewer that they will not ever realize; nor care that they were not the first person to own the car, BMW is setting their standard for excellence. Without a doubt, this advertisement is very powerful in proving a point for their product.



  1. Wow. This ad is so innapropritate. I can't believe how blunt ad's are becoming. I agree with your staement, "By promising the viewer that they will not ever realize; nor care that they were not the first person to own the car, BMW is setting their standard for excellence. Without a doubt, this advertisement is very powerful in proving a point for their product." This is a really good example and I agree with your take on it. BMW is showing that a used car is just as good as, if not better than, a new one. It's still very innaproprite though, I can not believe these car compnaies are able to get away with ads like this, especially high end ones.

  2. I thought it was surprising how much this ad was geared towards men. I've never really thought of a BMW as specifically a male car, but then again that might just be me. Overall, I thought the use of sex in this ad was a little over the top. It definitely catches your attention, but as a woman it definitely doesn't have me wanting to go out and by a BMW. I think this as appeals to males in their mid-life crisis stage. It evokes a want to be young, sexy, and wanted. However, I think the ad doesn't do a very good job at selling cars. Connecting a woman who has slept with other men and a BMW doesn't really make sense to me. Why would you want to relate something seen as slutty or promiscuous with an upper class car?

  3. I did a similar car ad as yours which also used women to target and appeal to men who are viewing the ad. You connected the text of the ad which read, “You know you’re not the first. But do you really care?” where BMW assumes for the reader the answer is "No." I think that is a really good point you brought up. However, you can also say the text connects a woman and a used car as two things that have been used before by someone else. Sounds gross I know, but the image of the woman with her "bedroom eyes" conveys she is not a virgin and the ad is advertising for used BMW cars, so both the woman and the car have had someone else. Overall, very interesting ad and great job analyzing it too.
